Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A day in the life ...

Well, I'm back after a slightly frustrating weekend and now, this week, the Wife is off to work.

This househusband thing -- it's really a true job and often about making sure things don't fall through the cracks in your family life, the way they might if you both are working your asses off just trying to make ends meet.

For example, today I accompanied my 19-year-old daughter to the local community college enrollment torture ... just to make sure she didn't chicken out. The Wife was sleeping. The girl definitely would have chickened out if I hadn't been there. She just has no patience for standing in lines, dealing with bureaucracy, etc. Sounds a lot like her parents ... except that SHE has no coping skills.

Otherwise, I also dealt with having new audio rewiring in our old small RV camper, had a total 3 miles plus upper body workout, washed the dishes after dinner, dismantled and boxed Christmas decor, cleaned catalytic converter on wood stove and then started a wood-stove fire.

Got warm!

But if we'd both have been working, who would have gotten this done?

1 comment:

helpmate hubby said...

Hey i just responded to this on the She makes the Rules site and was glad to see it here as well. Very inforamative as to how a FLR really works!

Also the potential bf was a jerk for not meeting you at the Comedy Club. His loss no doubt!